Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 3

The cast from your favorite day

Doctor Who!  I love, love this show.   I really hadn't started watching it til the new Doctor Matt smith took over this past season other then catching it late night on PBS but I watched the previous 4 seasons on Netflix.  This is a picture of the last doctor and all his companions.  I miss David Tennant but Matt Smith is doing a good job.  I could go on and on about this show but I won't. ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 2

A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.

My Mom
 (She doesn't always squint like that.  She wears glasses and they are the kind that turn to sunglasses in the sun so for our wedding pictures she had to take them off and is trying to focus)

I don't know being close to my mom over all other people is all that odd.  I have always been a quite person with only a few close friends.  I no longer keep in contact with anyone I went to high school with except one person and that is not on a very regular basis.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 1

I really need something to get me back into blogging.  I am horrible at this I know.  So my boost/jump start/push to get me going is going to be the 60 day challenge that a lot of people are doing on face book and other social networking sites.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

  1. I am 6'2" and been 6' and over since i was 13 years old.
  2. I have a insane love for British TV and movies.
  3. Because of this I use a UK VPN so that I can watch TV shows online that will never be available here.
  4. I am six credits away from my BS in Geography and I have no desire to go back and finish school.
  5. I hate winter, the cold and snow.
  6. I've watched the new Star Trek movie too many times to count.
  7. I have become a geek since I started dating my husband.
  8. I hate taking showers but love being clean.
  9. I pronounce milk as melk and pillow as pellow.
  10. I have a rabbit named Glenn.
  11. I finally live in an apartment I love.
  12. I wish I was more creative and am jealous of people it comes naturally to.
  13. I love to camp and be outdoors though it doesn't happen much.
  14. I hate going places alone.
  15. I'm scared of flying.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bad, Bad Blogger!

I'm just starting out and I am already a bad blogger.  I guess it takes some time to get used to and into the swing of things.  I think I have something interesting to write about and then it end ups being two sentences long.  It could also be that most of the blogs I read are of stay at home moms and I have absolutely none of those topics to write about seeing that I have no children.  I'll get the swing of things soon. Hopefully.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New-ish Job.

Right before Christmas I started a new job.  I went from working in retail to working in the travel/hospitality industry.  Two very similar industries but the clientele has changed drastically.  I went to having to deal with just plain bitchy customers to now being hit on by middle aged business men all the time.  I had a customer yesterday decide that he wanted to take me back to Orlando with him because he had an extra plane ticket with him.  I had to past that one up, I was thinking the Mr. would not like it very much if I took off with a strange older man with a bad comb over. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

So Proud.

I woke up the other morning to find this written on the whiteboard on our door.   Don't mind the horrible penmanship.  He is so proud of himself and so am I that is finally a Senior in college.  The Mr. goes to school two nights a week for his Bachelor's in Business Management.  It's a lot of work for him especially since he is getting a degree in something that he already does but he works hard and I know it takes a lot of work for him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Starting Fresh

One of my goals for this year (I hate the term resolution) is to start blogging.  I have a crap memory and hate when the Mr. tells me about things I really should remember, it makes me mad.   I had used a live-journal from the end of high school and most of college but that is a completely different life from what I live now.  So here I go on documenting my/our life.  Hopefully I can keep up with it.